Affiliate marketing: tips and tricks

Rui Correia

Want to boost your affiliate marketing revenue? Squirrel is here to help by giving you some tips and tricks of the trade.

Now that we know how important affiliate marketing is if your goal is to make the most money out of your online content, it is time to give you a few tips for maximizing your online revenue and expanding your affiliate marketing income while at the same time broadening your affiliate network. 


Best practices for affiliate marketers

To become a good affiliate, you must create a significant following for your website or social media page, if your online content doesn’t draw much interest it won’t be appealing enough for the best affiliate marketing programs out there, so if you want to attract viewers one of the best things you can do is finding a niche market to get into, pick a subject that interests you and that you know it can potentially generate a lot of appeal. Using tools like Google Trends or SEMrush can help you find out what the latest market trends are and what subjects drive more interest for your target audience. 

In the spirit of not putting all your eggs in one basket you should diversify your online approach, use social media to your advantage by creating content to be used in those platforms, using websites like YouTube or social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook can be a great way to grow a following and driving people to your websites.

If you want to monetize your online content and grow as an affiliate marketer you must know how you are doing in the first place, keeping track of your progress is essential to improve your affiliate marketing prowess, to do this you can use tools such as “Key Performance Indicators”, these are tools that help you understand which of your marketing efforts are working and those that are not performing up to standard. The main metrics you should focus on are the “click-through rate”, which is the number of clicks you have compared to the number of views, and “conversion rate” which is the number of conversions compared to the number of clicks. 

Sometimes it is hard to figure out what type of content can draw more eyes to your online content or attract a bigger following, to help with this you can try using some methods that have been proven to work in that regard, one of the most successful methods of improving your website’s traffic is writing product reviews, studies have shown that about 90% of people read product reviews before deciding to proceed with a purchase. Below you can see a good example of review article by

Product reviews 

Another certified way of attracting online traffic is to compare products, product comparison articles are very popular with affiliate marketers because they provide the readers with useful information they can employ while deciding which products to purchase. Writing these kinds of articles is a smooth transition to make the best of our Squirrel widget which allows you to compare product prices in a visually appealing way especially considering our Squirrel playlists. Here’s an example of a product comparison article by PriceFx: 

Product comparison 

When it comes to gaining new followers or viewers nothing helps more than a good discount! Offering discount codes always brings the public’s attention to your website, the spread the word and let the world know that you are offering these discounts you can use your social media pages, contacting your audience by email and referencing your discount codes on any affiliate marketing related content. 

To capitalize on the ever-growing international affiliate market, you need to make sure your affiliate partners are capable of distributing to all four corners of the world, which shouldn’t be too hard because about one third of all traffic to most affiliate networking websites come from international audiences. However, when it comes to dealing with international audiences there are some details you must keep in mind, one of the major ones is displaying prices in the local currencies, this is one of the main features of Squirrel making sure that the process of driving your international sales is a bit smoother. 

To finish our tips and trips for your affiliate marketing success we have one more hint on how to better your affiliate marketing performance, sometimes to make money you need to spend a little money, running a well-timed ad campaign at some critical moments throughout the year (like Valentine’s day, Black Friday/Cyber Monday or Christmas) can certainly give a boost in your affiliate revenue, social media ads and pay per click are some of the ideal ad methods you can use. 

Using these tips and tricks will surely guarantee that your affiliate marketing experience will improve exponentially, combining all these methods and learning from what has worked before will certainly help you make money online using your digital content. 

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